Here is my analysis on USDJPY.
After triangular holding, USD has strengthened against JPY.
Bar chart=USDJPY Source :TradingView
Resistance line is 106.65,which is indicated with the bottom of July 13th.
Bar chart=USDJPY Source :TradingView
Stock market goes up with VIX down. Goldman Sachs 2nd quarter financial result beats the market expectation with big profits from Fixed Income trading business same as JPM and Citi.
Blue Line=VIX , Bar chart=S&P500, Orange Line = Goldman Sachs stock price Source :TradingView
US Treasury markets are quiet now.
Blue Line=US 10Y treasury yield, Bar chart=US 10Y treasury yield, Orange Line = US 30Y US 10Y treasury yield Source :TradingView
WTI future shows double bottom and is going up now.
Bar chart:WTI oil future Source :TradingView